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National visas for non-Turkish citizens


Long-term (national) visas for stays of more than 90 days for non-Turkish citizens.

We explicitly caution against using the services of visa agencies and non-official websites. Please only use the official information on our website and the websites that we refer to here. Our only partners are the iDATA company and the International Organization for Migration (IOM-FAP).

When can I apply as a non-Turkish citizen in Türkiye?

You can apply for a German national visa in Türkiye without Turkish citizenship if your permanent residence is in Türkiye. This means that the main focus of your life is in Türkiye. It is not sufficient to have a Turkish residence permit or shares in a Turkish company and live elsewhere. Permanent residence is usually established by living in Türkiye uninterruptedly for at least 6 months without longer stays in another country at the date of your visa application. Permanent residence is also established without a stay of 6 months minimum if you have a long-term right of residence in Türkiye (i.e. as a registered refugee or with a residence permit for family reunion). Please provide proof of permanent residence in Türkiye when applying for your visa.

Exceptionally, Syrian citizens living in Syria or non-Turkish citizens living in Cyprus with no access to our Embassy in Nicosia can also apply, if they can travel to Türkiye.

Which German mission in Türkiye is responsible?

All national visa applications of non-Turkish foreign nationals are processed at the visa section of the Consulate General in ISTANBUL.

How can I book an appointment?

If your family member (your spouse or minor child or - only if you are a minor - to your parent) in Germany has subsidiary protection status (subsidiärer Schutz): Please register for family reunion here. Currently, due to the high demand waiting times of more than one year arise. Please wait for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM-FAP) to contact you.

NEW: If you wish to work or study in Germany or if you apply in various other categories as SINGLE applicant without your family, you can APPLY ONLINE through the Consular Service Portal. Please check the portal website for further information or see your relevant category below.

In all other cases, please register online with our external service provider iDATA here.
For the appointment booking, iDATA charges a fee of 7,80 euros.

Which documents do I need?

The required documents depend on the purpose of your planned stay. There are many sub-categories of national visas with different prerequisites. If you are not sure for which of these categories you should apply, you can try our Visa Navigator


If you wish to apply as a group, please book an appointment through iDATA (see above) and prepare your documents following the instructions here: Family reunion visa for non-Turkish citizens

This also applies if you want to apply as single applicant joining your family member in Germany who holds EU citizenship (except German citizenship) or any humanitarian residence permit according to §§22, 23, 25, 26 AufenthG (e.g. refugee, asylum, subsidiary protection status or deportation ban).

You can apply for a family reunion visa or a visa to get married and permanently stay in Germany afterwards as a single applicant online here. After registering you will also find detailed information on the documents to be uploaded.

Exception: You cannot use the online portal if your family member in Germany holds any EU citizenship (except German citizenship) or any humanitarian residence permit according to §§22, 23, 25, 26 AufenthG (e.g. refugee, asylum, subsidiary protection status or deportation ban). In this case, you must book an appointment through iDATA (see above) and prepare your documents following the instructions here: Family reunion visa for non-Turkish citizens


You can apply for a Blue Card EU visa as a single applicant online here. After registering you will also find detailed information on the documents to be uploaded.

If you wish to apply as a group, please book an appointment through iDATA (see above) and prepare your documents following the instructions here:

You can apply for a skilled worker visa as a single applicant online here. After registering you will also find detailed information on the documents to be uploaded.

If you wish to apply as a group, please book an appointment through iDATA (see above) and prepare your documents following the instructions here:

You can apply for a specialist work visa as a single applicant online here. After registering you will also find detailed information on the documents to be uploaded.

If you wish to apply as a group, please book an appointment through iDATA (see above) and prepare your documents following the instructions here: Specialist visa without recognized academic/professional degree for non-Turkish citizens

You can apply for the job search opportunity card visa online here. After registering you will also find detailed information on the documents to be uploaded.

Family reunion visas joining a holder of a job search opportunity card visa can be applied for only after the job search opportunity card visa can be granted. We will inform you then how your family can apply.


You can apply for a study or preparatory language course or a study applicant's visa as a single applicant online here. After registering you will also find detailed information on the documents to be uploaded.

You can apply for a study or preparatory language course or a study applicant's visa as a single applicant online here. After registering you will also find detailed information on the documents to be uploaded.

You cannot use the online portal if you wish to attend a language course only without stuying. Please book an appointment through iDATA (see above) and prepare your documents following the instructions here: Language course visas for non-Turkish citizens​​​​​​​


You cannot use the online portal if you wish to apply for a re-entry visa. Please book an appointment through iDATA (see above) and prepare your documents following the instructions here:

If you have lost your residence permit during a current short-time visit to Türkiye, please contact us via the contact formular before booking an appointment.


For work visas as an artist or au-pair, for a voluntary service, internship, recognition of your foreign qualifications, self-employment or research and all other national visa categories please book an appointment through iDATA (see above) and prepare your documents according to the information on national visas for Turkish citizens (German/Turkish).

Where do I apply for the visa?

You will be informed where to file your application after booking an appointment. In most cases you can submit your application online or directly at the visa section in Istanbul. Please come on time and in person to your appointment. Each family member applying for a visa must be there in person. The staff at the visa section speaks Arabic, English, German or Turkish. If you do not speak any of these languages, you must bring an interpreter with you.

Applicants for family reunion visas to join their family members holding a a protection status or other humanitarian residence permit in Germany submit their applications directly at IOM-FAP office in Istanbul. It has also become possible to submit your visa application with our external service provider iDATA in Istanbul (Gayrettepe). If you can submit your application at iDATA or IOM-FAP, you will pay the visa fee (and for iDATA a service fee additionally) and submit all documents there. Your application will be forwarded to the visa section. iDATA or IOM-FAP do not have any influence on the decision of any visa application.

How long do I have to wait?

After the visa section has done a first check of your application and if all documents are complete (otherwise you will be informed), authorities in Germany might be involved, depending on the visa category. The visa section cannot influence the processing periods at these authorities. The table below provides a general overview:

Visa purpose Processing period, starting as soon as documents are complete
Family reunion 8-12 weeks
Employment without a pre-approval (“Vorabzustimmung”) issued by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) – except for Blue Card EU, researchers 4 weeks
Studies (without scholarship) 5 weeks
Language classes (if not connected to university studies) 5 weeks
Recipients of scholarships, researchers, Blue Card EU, other employment with a pre-approval (“Vorabzustimmung”) issued by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) 4 weeks

As soon as we have taken a decision upon your application, you will receive your passport together with all original documents you submitted and the final decision. Information on how to pick up your passport or how to have it sent back to you will be available during your visa appointment.

If your application had to be denied, you will receive a written notification explaining the main reasons for this decision together with your passport. We would like to inform that it is no longer possible to appeal against the rejection of an application (Remonstration). With regard to the legal remedies available, please refer to the rejection letter.

How can I submit additionally requested documents?

If we asked you to submit any original document or passport additionally, you may do so by either sending it or hand it to the visa section in person. However, we can only further process documents that are submitted as original accompanied by one copy and if the file number (see barcode on your receipt handed out on the application date) is clearly indicated on an envelope containing original and copy. Please be aware that subsequently submitted documents may not be taken into consideration or added to your file if they do not meet these requirements.

You can send the documents to the following address:
Alman Federal Cumhuriyetin Alman Başkonsolosluğu Istanbul.
Vize bölümü (üçüncü ülke vatandaşları)
İnönü Caddesi 10
34437 Gümüşsuyu - Beyoğlu - İstanbul

Alternatively, you can hand them in in person to the security staff at the visa office without an appointment, Monday - Thursday between 9:00 and 15:00, Friday between 9:00 and 12:00. Please note, that you will not be let in into the visa section.

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